Assault! FDA issues warning letters to 30 retailers/distributors of US disposable e-cigarette tip brands

The FDA stated that the products mentioned in the warning letter are all disposable e-cigarettes, which are the most commonly used type of e-cigarette products by teenagers

On May 31, the US FDA announced that it had issued warning letters to 30 e-cigarette retailers (including 1 distributor) for illegal sales of Puff and Hyde brand disposable e-cigarettes that were not authorized by the FDA. Among them, Puff’s products include Its most famous Puff Bar disposable electronic cigarette.

According to the U.S. Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, e-cigarette products that have not obtained an FDA marketing authorization order are prohibited from being sold in the U.S. market. FDA usually issues a warning letter when violations are found, and the recipient has 15 working days. , in response to what steps they will take to correct the violation and prevent future violations. Failure to promptly correct violations may result in additional FDA enforcement actions such as injunctions, seizures, and/or civil monetary penalties.

FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert M. Califf said: “Protecting American youth from the harms of tobacco products, including disposable e-cigarettes, is a top priority for the FDA, and we are committed to enabling all actors in the supply chain, not just manufacturers, to It also includes retailers and distributors being accountable to the law.”

The FDA stated that the products mentioned in the warning letter are all disposable e-cigarettes, which are the most commonly used type of e-cigarette products by teenagers. According to the 2022 American Youth Tobacco Survey, Puff Bar and Hyde are the No. 1 and No. 3 brands used by youth. Among young e-cigarette users, about 20% said they will most often use Puff Bar or Hyde brand products in 2022.

“Retailers and distributors play a critical role in keeping unauthorized tobacco products off our shelves, but when they fail to fulfill their oversight responsibilities, FDA is committed to Take appropriate action.”

It is understood that the FDA has previously conducted surprise inspections of hundreds of retailers and distributors across the United States, and finally issued warning letters to 30 of them. The FDA also listed some of the retailers who received warning letters:

Stuff-N-Puffs 102, LLC d/b/a Stuff-N-Puffs

The Drip Ship LTD d/b/a buycbdcigarettes

TheSY, LLC d/b/a Element Vape

Superpuff Inc. d/b/a MyVapor

Vape4Style, Inc

Huff and Puffers, LLC

Sooner Distributor
& Wholesalers International Inc

Mr. Smokey Tobacco Corp
d/b/a Smoke Shop/The Boss Tobacco

Mr. Smokey Tobacco Corp.

E-Juice Vapor, Inc.

Mr. Smokey Tobacco Corp.

Huff and Puffers, LLC

JTBC Holdings LLC d/b/a Disposable305

Superpuff Inc. d/b/a MyVapor

Vape4Style, Inc

Mod Fuel, LLC

Rappa Fire Inc.

The FDA said that so far, the agency has only authorized 23 tobacco-flavored e-cigarette products and devices, and only these e-cigarettes can be legally sold in the United States. If the distribution or sale of illegal products will be hit by law enforcement actions.

It is understood that from January 2021 to May 19, 2023, the FDA has issued more than 560 warning letters to e-cigarette companies, proposed 10 civil fines, and issued 6 injunctions.

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